Tamariki School

Key Competencies

The Competencies from NZ Curriculum 


creative analytical critical self-reflective meta-cognitive

Developed by a curriculum that:

·         is responsively based on the children’s own experiences, ideas and questions; their learning contexts

·         fosters deeper directions from children’s initial interest

·         develops enquiry learning in organic or meaningful contexts

·         is developed in a social context through discussion and interaction and reflection on their own actions and possibilities for action

·         involves teaching peers: understanding to the point of being able to explain to other people

·         allows the children ownership of their ideas and does not intrude or superimpose with adult ideas of “creativity”

·         includes reflection on their own and other’s work

·         may include reflection by the teacher/other students on, and of, the children’s work

·         can be increasingly theoretical by years 7 & 8


Developed by a learning culture that:

·         encourages inquiry

·         is responsive to the learning style of the child

·         recognises and fosters individual thinking methods

·         works with priority learners as individuals to grow and learn in the way that works for them

·         uses visual, audio, kinesthetic and tactile tools (The Dunn and Dunn model of learning styles includes tactile as a Learning Style) as part of lessons.

·         cooperates together to learn—lots of learning talk

·         questions “blind following” of other people’s ideas, while allowing the development of ideas based on other people’s work

·         encourages and expects excellence as its own reward, rather than fostering it by a culture of competition

·         is emotionally safe, expects self-reflection and supports feedback

·         sees everyone as a teacher-learner

Using Language, Symbols and Texts


Contextual language developed through exposure to rich contextual language


Speaking and Listening

·         Lots of daily opportunities for presenting ideas to others orally, e.g. Small Meetings, Whole School Meetings, instructing others, presenting work, reflecting on work together, reading stories to each other, listening to adults/students read stories.

·         Specific skills modeled and taught as needed (e.g. clear speaking, active listening)

·         Skills developed as part of the Chairperson’s role – active listening to the participants within the meeting, asking clarifying questions, following the meeting format and opening and closing the meetings, giving permission to people within the meeting to speak.



·         Written language is primarily based around children’s own writing topics

·         Genre writing is learned as needed, not pre-planned as a “thing to teach” (e.g. Book report structure is taught when kids need it to put a book report into the class reading suggestions book, recount is taught when kids are writing for the school newspaper (the Tamariki Times), note taking for research, etc.)

·         Writing for genuine purposes e.g. writing to the Board of Trustees to present their argument/case about an issue they would like the BOT to consider.

·         Writing Child’s Voice learning stories – either about themselves and or their friends learning.

·         Surface features are taught one-to-one during editing time, and in small targeted groups as the need arises. (Often this work is pre-planned by the teacher)

·         Word-processing, typing, internet procedures, keyboard shortcuts are taught



·         Reading to, with and by children has high priority

·         Reading for research is taught as needed (skimming, alphabetical order and how to use dictionary and thesaurus, etc.)

Using Symbols

·         Mathematical language and symbols occur in math lessons, cooking, topic studies, in the Woodwork room.

·         Musical symbols may be utilised in ukulele lessons and recorder, guitar and keyboard Art language and symbols developed in art lessons and discussion around art.

Managing Self

All teacher-learners are expected to:

·         organise personal belongings

·         put own belongings away, and put resources away

·         set own learning goals and reach them

·         manage own curriculum responsibilities/timetable/deadlines

·         allow others space and time to work

·         control negative expression of emotions/ develop strategies for this

·         allow others to have different opinions/ideas

·         be in control of equipment

·         manage games fairly

·         keep ourselves safe in play and in the wider community

·         respect our rules in different situations

·         ask for help when things go wrong

·         follow our own interests/passions/skills

·         be able to use a range of learning styles

·         be self-reflective!

Relating to Others

All teacher-learners (children and adults) are expected to:

·         be self-reflective

·         be involved in school meetings

·         actively listen to others’ points of view

·         consider others’ points of view

·         ask for help when things go wrong

·         co-operate in creating and participating in curriculum content

·         speak positively about others - no put downs

·         initiate and organise games that are fair and fun

·         In senior years, model appropriate behaviour to the younger students

·         care for each other

·         help when people are hurt—stop the game!

·         solve problems through dialogue and compromise

·         heal hurt hearts


Our school supports this by:

·         fostering good self esteem

·         being a small, safe environment

·         seeing how different parents have different strengths and can transfer this to children/everyone

·         having clear rules/agreements developed by children and teachers over time

·         making it easy to for pre-schoolers, children and adults of all ages to relate to each other

·         learning through play: fluid personal relationships are developed based on mutual interests

·         teachers support the growth of empathy in conflict resolution

·         Year 7 & 8 move out to the wider world of Tech

Participating and Contributing

Our school supports this by:

·         family involvement in the school/minimal separation of the worlds of school and home/unified community

·         older children help pass the culture of the school on to younger students

·         many decisions are made in school meetings where all children have a voice

·         regular “traditions/festivals/celebrations” mark the progress of the school year

·         being part of Tamariki Community, respecting property and space

·         a gentle transition from home to school for new children

·         wider community used

·         older children have increased responsibilities

·         children’s feelings/opinions/suggestions are validated/acknowledged

·         Maori families have special input in things important to Maori

This page was last modified on: 26 Jun 2017 23:19:58